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Return to Swimming with a 'New Normal' in place....
We have had the news we have been anxiously anticipating...pools have been given the go-ahead to reopen from 25th July! Woohooo!!!
As you can imagine with all the new (and regularly changing!) guidance, training updates and risk assessments required to open with the 'new normal' it is taking Carol, Naiomi and the CSSS Family considerable time to collate and collaborate with all our venues.
All staff are furloughed so the office continues to remain closed so we are unable to respond to emails until we have finalised a return.
DW Derby, Halifax and Nottingham venues and The Mount, York have been confirmed for September restart.
We will keep you all posted as soon as we have confirmed dates with all other venues. The target to reopen is mid-August and we will make contact with swimmers at each venue regarding new structures and procedures.
A huge thank you to you all for your patience, kind words and support during this incredibly difficult time.
We will see you all again...back in the water...very soon!!!
Warm wishes
Carol, Naiomi & CSSS Family